Aberration on Tour / Aberration ar Daith

Tour dates:

Sarah McCreadie

14 July / 14 Gorffenaf, L Fest, Llandudnolfest.co.uk
with spoken word artist Sarah McCreadie & cabaret surprises

10 Awst, 1yh, Eisteddfod, Llwyfan Y Llannerch, Caerdydd: eisteddfod.cymru
10 August, 1pm, National Eisteddfod, Llannerch stage, Cardiff: eisteddfod.wales

17 August, 8pm, ‘The Summer House’ (marquee), Aberystwyth Arts Centreaberystwythartscentre.co.uk
17 Awst, 8yh, ‘Y Tŷ Haf’ (pabell), Aberystwyth Arts Centreaberystwythartscentre.co.uk/cy

14 September, 7.30pm, Galeri Caernarfon
14 Medi, 7.30yh, Galeri Caernarfon

More details coming soon. We are grateful to Arts Council Wales for a grant to support the tour, using funds from National Lottery. Other funders include Aberystwyth University. Diolch yn fawr iawn!