16 November
Aberration’s Got Talent, Bank Vault bar, Aberystywth. Sign up for your five-minute slot (limited numbers) by emailing aberrationcymru@gmail.com

A fun talent night with all the excitement of a TV show but none of the competitiveness. Come along and enjoy the show!
Live acts from the local LGBTQ+ community. Expect comedy, music and radical drag! Compered by Helen Sandler.
Bank Vault is a gorgeous venue that kindly welcomes Aberration without charge, so please support this lovely intimate bar in return by buying lots of drinks! They are well stocked including superb craft beers.
Also please bring cash for donations to AllOut, the international campaigning charity that channels funds direct to LGBTQ+ projects at grassroots level.

Aberration is generously supported by Aberystwyth University.