We are delighted to bring Aberration back to the magnificent Ceredigion Museum in Aberystwyth with ‘Crossing the Line’, programmed especially for LGBTQ+ History Month.
We’ve put together an amazing evening of stories and film, facts and fabulousness for you all. Programme below. Edrych ymlaen!

Aberration presents Crossing The Line
An evening for LGBTQ+ History Month Friday 28 February 6.30-10pm, Amgueddfa Ceredigion Museum, Aberystwyth. Tickets: £8 early bird (plus 80p booking fee) or £10 on the door.
Early bird tickets from Outsavvy: link.outsavvy.com/crossing
Aberration will be taking a journey around Ceredigion and beyond, including queer and trans Celtic history and mythology and some of the characters and events on our Ceredigion LGBTQ+ timeline. We are also proud to be hosting the Wales launch of a new book, 3000 Lesbians Go to York, about a much-loved national arts festival. The evening ends with a new film celebrating Aberration’s own contribution to Welsh LBGTQ+ culture and arts over more than ten years.
6.30 Doors open: Come and have a look at the Ceredigion Timeline and add your stories.
7pm Welcome from your Aberration hosts, Helen Sandler, Jane Hoy and Ruth Fowler
Dr Cheryl Morgan: In Search of Trans Celts
Cheryl will look at evidence from archaeology, Roman writers, and Arthurian legend, to see what we can tell about how our ancestors saw gender.

7.30pm Queering the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi: power, resistance, and desire
This talk by Colin Audigé-Soutter, based on his MA thesis, illuminates the potential queer undercurrents pulsing through one of Celtic literature’s most enigmatic narratives.
8pm INTERVAL Refreshments and Bar, Raffle for All Out & another opportunity to add your story to the Ceredigion Timeline
8.30 The Ceredigion Timeline: an interactive journey
Norena Shopland describes the background to the Timeline – a project to record the LGBTQ+ history of every county in Cymru. Jane Hoy introduces some of Ceredigion’s queer characters and events with friends of Aberration reading their words.
9pm Three Thousand Lesbians Go To York
Jane Traies will launch her lavishly illustrated new book about the lesbian arts festivals that drew crowds of thousands in the Noughties. She will talk about the research and the forthcoming film. Aberration’s own Helen Sandler, publisher of the book, will facilitate a discussion with Jane and Mid Wales locals who went to York Lesbian Arts Festival (YLAF).

9.30 Aberration: a celebration
FILM PREMIERE! Ruth, Helen and Jane of Aberration show Amy Daniel’s new short film about Aberration’s first decade, discuss why they commissioned it and invite questions and discussion.
10pm Ends