Tag Archives: lesbian arts

Aberration: Out for Summer




A hot night of Aberration music, theatre and spoken word with Tom Marshman, Kedma, Mike Parker, Helen Sandler and new acts! Champagne auction for Ugandan safe house for LGBT people. Event in English. Tickets on sale now at £7.50 from Aberystwyth Arts Centre.



{scroll down for English}

Bydd Tom Marshman yn cyflwyno detholiad o ei sioe newydd, Kings Cross Remix, fel gwaith ar y gweill. Gwau at ei gilydd o straeon y bobl a brofodd yn llaw gyntaf, mae sioe ‘un dyn’ Tom yn dathlu lleisiau aflafar o Lundain y 1980au.

Mae Tom yn artist perfformiad sy’n trawsnewid cyfrifon bob dydd i mewn i theatr. Mae gwaith blaenorol yn cynnwys ‘Move Over Darling’.

“Un o’r pethau mwyaf cyffrous am waith Marshman yw ei allu i ddewis pwnc sy’n ymddangos yn fach ac edrychwch drwy’r haenau i ddatgelu rhywbeth annisgwyl a dwys” – Big Issue

GWEITHDY Bydd Tom hefyd yn cynnal gweithdy cyn Aberration, am addasu cyfweliadau am sgript. Yn addas ar gyfer pawb, os ydych yn gwybod am theatr neu beidio. Chi jyst angen i fod hyd am gymryd rhan! Manylion.

KedmaMae Kedma yn leisydd proffesiynol o Aberystwyth sydd wedi graddio yn ddiweddar gyda Gradd Dosbarth Cyntaf Anrhydedd o Sefydliad Cerddoriaeth Fodern Prydain ac Iwerddon (BIMM) sy’n cael ei ystyried yn eang fel ysgol flaenllaw Ewrop ar gyfer cerddoriaeth gyfoes.

Mae hi bellach yn gweithio fel cerddor sesiwn gigio yn helaeth fel prif leisydd a chefnogaeth ar gyfer lleoliadau o fri, teledu, radio, llong fordaith ayyb. Yn fwyaf diweddar bu’n perfformio fel egwyddor ganwr yn ‘The Ballroom Bloomsbury’ ar gyfer lansiad y sioe arobryn “London Never Dies”ar gyfer y Clwb Cabaret Llundain. Yn lleol, efallai y byddwch yn adnabod hi o berfformiadau gyda “Elinor Powell’s Sgarmes”.

Mae ei llais yn gyfoethog ac yn llawn enaid ac mae ei pherfformiadau yn gwbl hudolus.



Mike Parker yn sôn am ei lyfr newydd, The Greasy Poll (Y Lolfa, Mai) –  y dyddiadur am ei ymgyrch rhwystro i gael ei ethol yn Aelod Seneddol dros Geredigion.

Fel Sais hoyw, nid oedd llenor Mike Parker y dewis amlwg fel ymgeisydd Plaid Cymru yn eu sedd targed o Geredigion yn yr etholiad cyffredinol 2015. Diolch i’r afluniadau gwarthus y wasg, daeth yr ymgyrch yn frwnt  fel un o’r gwaethaf yn hanes yr ardal; gan alw ar hiliaeth, homoffobia, creu Stormydd ar Twitter a chyfraniad gan yr heddlu. The Greasy Poll ydi dyddiadur “ddoniol, cyffrous a brawychus” (Patrick McGuiness) Mike o’r ymgyrch a’i gwersi ehangach ar sut mae ein system wleidyddol yn ein methu. Byddwch un o’r rhai cyntaf i glywed Mike yn darllen o gofiant doniol a ddeifiol.


Nid yw Helen Sandler yn un o’r tîm Aberration yn unig, mae hi hefyd yn awdur. Bydd Helen yn darllen i ni oddi wrth ei nofel nwydus newydd, ‘The Wishmistress’, am ddwy fenyw yn ceisio peidio â chael affêr.

HEFYD Ocsiwn Bwced Siampaen ar gyfer y tŷ diogel a gefnogwn yn Uganda ar gyfer pobl LHDT. Mae Bar Rummers wedi rhoddwyd yn garedig i ni magnwm o Siampaen. Byddwn yn arwerthu i ffwrdd mewn ffordd arbennig – cael gwybod mwy ar y noson a dod â rhywfaint o arian parod!

Ar ôl y digwyddiad aros i sipian coctels gyda’r artistiaid yn y bar Canolfan y Celfyddydau ac ar y teras.




Tom Marshman will present an extract from his new show, Kings Cross Remix, as a work in progress. Woven together from the stories of the people who experienced it first hand, Tom’s one-man show celebrates the raucous voices of 1980s London.

TomMarshmanWebXTom is a performance artist who transforms everyday accounts into theatre. Previous work includes the acclaimed Move Over Darling.

“One of the most exciting things about Marshman’s work is his ability to pick a seemingly small subject and peel back the layers to expose something unexpectedly profound” – Big Issue

WORKSHOP Tom will also run a workshop before Aberration, about turning interviews into a script. Suitable for everyone, whether you know about theatre or not. You just need to be up for taking part! Details.

Mike Parker will read from and talk about his new book, The Greasy Poll (Y Lolfa, May) – the diary of his thwarted campaign to be elected as MP for Ceredigion last year.

As a gay Englishman and a writer, Mike was not the obvious choice for Plaid Cymru candidate. Thanks to the outrageous distortions of the press, the campaign became the filthiest in the area’s history, invoking racism, homophobia, Twitterstorms and police involvement.

GreasyPollWebThe Greasy Poll is Mike’s “funny, thrilling and terrifying” (Patrick McGuiness) diary of the campaign, and its wider lessons on how our political system is failing us. Be one of the first to hear Mike read from this hard-hitting and humorous memoir.

Kedma is a professional vocalist from Aberystwyth who has recently graduated with a First Class Honours Degree from The British & Irish Modern Music Institute (BIMM) which is widely regarded as Europe’s leading school for contemporary music.

She now works as a session musician gigging extensively as a lead and backing vocalist for prestigious venues, TV, radio, cruise ship etc. Most recently she performed as a principal vocalist at The Bloomsbury Ballroom for the launch of the award-winning show London Never Dies for The London Cabaret Club. Locally, you may recognise her from performances with Elinor Powell’s Sgarmes.

Her voice is rich and soulful and her performances are completely captivating.


Helen Sandler is not just one of the Aberration team, she’s also a writer. Helen will be reading to us from her sultry new novel, The Wishmistress, about two women trying not to have an affair.

PLUS Champagne Bucket Auction for the safe house we support in Uganda for LGBT people. Rummers Bar have kindly donated a magnum of champagne. We will be auctioning it off in a special way – find out more on the night and bring some cash!

After the event please stay to sip cocktails with the artists in the Arts Centre bar and on the terrace.


Aberration, 1st feb Aberystwyth Arts Centre. Photo by Daryl Ras Gdalya Jemmott

L Fest 2013

L Fest, 19-22 July 2013, Uttoxeter Racecourse


The music and arts festival for lesbian and bisexual women and their friends and families returned with a swisher venue (Uttoxeter Racecourse, near Alton Towers) and a packed weekend of entertainment and activities.

SpringOut ran the arts progamme at L Fest and had some treats for you!

Arts stage: drama, authors, cabaret, including Jackie Kay, VG Lee, Clare Summerskill, Sonority Turner and Queer Playback Theatre.

Arts workshops: from drumming to zumba and from graffiti to clowning.

Cinema: new and classic lesbian films including features from Desert Hearts to Stud Life, and issue-based short docs like Pull Yourself Together and Butch Losses.

Download the arts timetable from the festival here: timetable

Relive the experience with photos of the weekend on Flickr by our photographers Sue Holme (Friday) and Val Buszka, or view as slideshow

See festival-goers in all their glory in the pop-up photo-booth pix by Angela Dennis

SpringOut is taking a step back from L Fest and we will no longer be main programmers in 2014 as we wish to focus more on our own events. If you would like to be part of L Fest 2014 or future events as performers or crew, your direct contact is now: cindy@lfest.co.uk. For SpringOut, email: springout4@gmail.com

But don’t be surprised if we still pop up for a few hours at L Fest in July! It’s hard to resist!

SpringOut’s programme at L Fest 2013 was supported by Arts Council England.

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