Aberration + cabaret = CABARRATION
An amazing night of performances in the Great Hall at Aberystwyth Arts Centre in November 2014
Photos by Craig Kirkwood
Cabarration audience
Pole dance artist Ali Cocks
Poet George Sandifer-Smith
MC Helen Sandler
Singer Izzy Rabey
Mabli Jones of Stonewall Cymru
Mar Gonga, contact juggler
Mike Parker at Cabarration
Ruth Fowler, Aberration queen
Sgarmes sing at Cabarration
Emily Farr playing Cabarration
Swan Vestas
DJ Boundary
Mimi Amore at Cabarration
Mimi Amore at Cabarration
Cabarration audience
Please contact Craig via his website if you would like to reuse any of these images or would like hi-res versions.