FORGOTTEN STARS ~ Aberration, Saturday 8 February 2020 / Dydd Sadwrn 8 Chwefror 2020
Scroll down for details in English (pink) and Cymraeg (melyn). Digwyddiadau yn Saesneg yn bennaf / Events mostly in English.
1.30 to 3.30pm [SOLD OUT] LGBT+ History Walk around
Aberystwyth. Meet at Ceredigion Museum where your guide, Jane Hoy of Living Histories Cymru, will take you on a tour round Aberystwyth meeting LGBT+ characters from the past, from Sarah Jane Rees to Goronwy Rees. Expect the unexpected! All welcome. (Indoors at museum if too wet or windy.) Limited to 20 places. SOLD OUT.
1.30-3.30 yh [WEDI GWERTHU ALLAN] Taith Gerdded yn olrhain hanes pobl LGBTQ Aberystwyth. Fel rhan o ddathliadau mis dathlu Hanes LGBT, ymunwch â ‘Hanesion Byw Cymru’ ar daith gerdded o amgylch Aberystwyth a dewch i gyfarfod â rhai o bobl LBGT mwyaf dylanwadol hanes y dref, pobl sydd bron wedi mynd yn angof. Man cyfarfod – Amgueddfa Ceredigion. WEDI GWERTHU ALLAN.
4.30 to 6pm Workshop at Aberystwyth Arts Centre:
Yasmin Begum is a writer, artist and activist from Cardiff. As a member of the 1919 Race Riots collective she will run a zine-making workshop delving into exciting ideas of Welsh identity, language, history and cultural memory with an emphasis on inclusivity and accessibility. (Zines are creative / lo-fi magazines or booklets.) Meet at Box Office at 4.20pm to go to Creative Studios 5&6 (silver pod). £5 / £3. WORKSHOP TICKETS>>
4.30-6 yh Gweithdy: Mae Yasmin Begum yn ysgrifennwr, artist ac actifydd o Gaerdydd. Bydd hi’n cynnal gweithdy gwneud zine, gan ymchwilio a syniadau cyffrous o hunaniaeth Gymreig, iaith, hanes a chof diwylliannol gyda phwyslais ar gynwysoldeb a hygyrchedd. (Mae zines yn gylchgronau neu lyfrynnau creadigol/lo-fi.) Cwrdd yn y Swyddfa docynnau am 4.20 yh i fynd i stiwdios creadigol 5 i 6 (pod arian). £5/£3. TOCYNNAU>>
7.45pm Aberration presents: ‘Forgotten Stars’ evening at Aberystwyth Arts Centre (Studio) [Cymraeg isod] Lively talks, songs and stories of LGBT+ history. TICKETS £10 / £8 (concs).
In a special presentation, Yasmin Begum (who is also leading a workshop, above) will use the lens of the 1919 race riots to shine a light on black and minority ethnic communities and queer people of colour in Wales. With film clips and discussion.
Alison Child will talk about the research for her new biography ‘Tell Me I’m Forgiven’, about the once-famous music hall duo (and romantic pairing) Gwen Farrar and Norah Blaney. Ali and her partner Rosie Wakley will treat us to some of the songs that Gwen and Norah used to sing. Plus storytelling by Queer Tales from Wales: coppermine girls, women wrestlers and men in pink houses. BUY TICKETS NOW>>
7.45 yh Aberration yn cyflwyno: ‘Forgotten Stars’ yn Canolfan Y Celfyddydau (Stiwdio): sgyrsiau bywiog, caneuon a straeon o hanes LHDT. Tocynnau £10/£8.
Mewn cyflwyniad arbennig, bydd Yasmin Begum yn defnyddio lens terfysgoedd ras 1919 i ddisgleirio golau ar gymunedau pobl dduon a lleiafrifoedd ethnig a phobl queer o liw yng Nghymru.
Bydd Alison Child yn siarad am yr ymchwil ar gyfer ei Bywgraffiad newydd ‘ Tell Me I’m Forgiven’, am y ddeuawd neuadd gerddorol a fu’n enwog ar un adeg (a’r pâr rhamantaidd) Gwen Farrar a Norah Blaney. Bydd Ali a’i phartner Rosie Wakley yn ein trin ni i rai o’r caneuon y mae Gwen a Norah yn canu. Ynghyd ag adrodd straeon gan Queer Tales o Gymru: merched copr, ymgodymwyr menywod a dynion mewn tai pinc. TOCYNNAU>>
+ Charity RAFFLE (bring a prize if you can!), guest appearance from friend of Aberration NORENA SHOPLAND with her latest queer history book, PLANET magazine on sale, and COMMUNITY COHESION stall.
+ Raffl, awdur Norena Shopland, Stondinau Cylchgrawn Planet a ‘Community Cohesion’.