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Workshop: Doing LGBT History

LGBT History Month with Aberration

Workshop: Doing LGBT+ History

Saturday 9 February 2019 3.30-6pm
Aberystwyth Arts Centre: Creative Unit 5/6 (silver pod)
£5 / £3 (concessions) – includes refreshments
Tickets on sale from Aberystwyth Arts Centre here>>

Ever fancied doing some LGBT+ historical research but don’t know where to begin? This lively participatory workshop will introduce different ways of opening up lesbian, gay, bi and trans history. Everyone is welcome, whether you are a research newbie or have some experience to share. We hope that it will be the beginning of a Mid Wales network in which we continue to uncover our hidden queer histories in the past and present.

The workshop will be facilitated by Jane Hoy of Aberration and Living Histories Cymru.

In the first part historian Norena Shopland (as seen at Aberrations past) will ask us to consider: What is LGBT+ historical research? What does it mean to use the terms sexual orientation and gender identity in history? Which sources should we use, and why? She will also introduce us to her new online research tool. Norena is the author of Forbidden Lives: LGBT stories from Wales (Seren, 2018).


In the second part writer and researcher Jane Traies will introduce her groundbreaking research with older lesbians. She will explore what oral history can offer and introduce us to ways of doing it ethically and effectively. We will get the chance to practise interviewing skills on each other. Jane is the editor of Now You See Me: Lesbian life stories (Tollington, 2018).

Tickets >>

Hidden Worlds

The workshop will be followed later in the evening by ‘Hidden Worlds’: Aberration’s celebration of LGBT+ History Month with illustrated talks from Jane Traies and artist Clive Hicks-Jenkins plus the Welsh premiere of Karen Fisch’s jukebox musical Rebel Dyke. The evening starts at 7.45pm in the Round Studio and is ticketed separately at £10 / £8. Find out more>>

Future plans

Storytelling around the queer histories of Cymru: we are considering a summer event in which individuals offer a 5-10 minute performance/presentation based on the life of someone they are interested in (perhaps one of the people from Norena’s book or someone you have found). We would explore creative ways of presenting each person, in a series of workshops using story, poetry, film, music, drama, diary, dialogue… whatever is suggested by the materials we find and your strengths. For further information email

Village Show competition entries / dosbarthiadau cystadlu

Aberration Alternative Village Show

Competition Classes

[Cymraeg isod]

How to enter: Coming to the Aberration Village Show on 17 August 2018? Want to enter the produce, baking, flower arranging, or handicrafts competitions? Here’s how…

Buy a ticket for the evening and arrive at 7.15pm to be registered by the Show Secretary and have time to display your entries.

Judging will be by appearance only (no tasting) and will be by the audience between 7.30 and 8pm and in the interval.

Fabulous Fairy Cakes and Sponges

  • 6 decorated fairy cakes/cupcakes or one sponge. Presented on a plate, depicting any aspect of LGBTQIA+ culture in fabulous fashion.

Celebrity Vegetable or Fruit

  • A vegetable or fruit (or small group thereof) decorated with flair and imagination to depict a queer icon of your choice

Titfer Tat

  • Handicrafts: an item of headgear created from recycled materials. As practical or fantastical as you choose. Entries must be not more than 1 metre width/height and wearable.

Flora and Fauna in Footwear

  • An arrangement of cut flowers and/or (dead) fauna presented in an item of footwear.



Meini Prawf Cystadlu yn y Sioe Bentref Amgen Aberration

Dosbarthiadau Cystadlu

Sut i gystadlu: Isod mae’r manylion am sut y gallwch gystadlu yn Sioe Bentref Aberration ar 17 Awst 2018…

Prynwch docyn ar gyfer y noson a chyraeddwch am 7:15y.h. mewn da bryd i gofrestru gyda Ysgrifenydd y Sioe ac arddangos eich gwaith.

Bydd y cynnyrch yn cael eu barnu drwy ymddangosiad yn unig (dim blasu). Y gynulleidfa bydd yn gwneud y gwaith beirniadu, a hynny rhwng 7:30 a 8:00y.h ac hefyd yn ystod yr egwyl.

Cacennau a teisennau gwych

Gofynnir am 6 o gacennau tylwyth teg/cacennau cwpan neu un cacen sbwng wedi’u cyflwno ar blât wedi’u haddurno efo unrhyw elfen o naws gwych LGBTQIA+. 

Ffrwythau neu llysiau selebs

Addurnwch ffrwyth neu lysieuyn (neu grŵp bach ohonynt) gyda hwyl a dychymyg i ddarlunio eicon hoyw o’ch dewis. 

‘Titfer Tat’ – Het ffansi o nwyddau wedi’u ailgylchu

Crefft: Creu penwisg allan o nwyddau wedi’u hailgylchu.  Yn ymarferol neu anhygoel, eich dewis chi! Ni ddylai’r penwisg fod yn fwy na 1 metr o led/uchder ac mae’n rhaid bod yn bosib i’w wisgo!

Esgidiau fflora a ffawna

Trefniant o flodau a/neu ffawna (marw) wedi’u cyflwyno mewn esgid.